Monday, April 11, 2011

"So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." -- John 8:31-32

What does "abide" mean? When you plant a tree right, it will "abide". When an apple tree "abides" it grows apples and you know beyond a doubt that it's an apple tree. A real apple tree produces apples and apples come only from an apple tree. This seems rather simplistic, but it explains a lot about disciples.
When Jesus spoke of "abiding" in His Word, He pointed out that by doing so one proved their identity as a disciple. Furthermore, abiding will lead to Biblical knowledge and spiritual freedom. In other words, a true disciple "abides" because of who they are and as a result of who they are they "abide". It's simple, but profound.
Check your spiritual pulse my friend. Do you "abide" in the Word of God? If you do, you are a true disciple and in your discipleship there will be a lasting result of knowledge and growth. It's all about who you are... and whose you are!

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