Tuesday, May 7, 2024

He Cares for you...

Today's Readings: OT - Exodus 4:18-31 / NT - Luke 22:31-53

"But Jesus said, “No more of this!” And he touched his ear and healed him." - Luke 22:51

Would you ask a grieving widow who just lost her husband yesterday to drive you to a doctor's appointment? Or would you ask someone who just lost their home in a tornado to make an encouraging  nursing home visit? In most cases the answer to both questions would be an emphatic no. Moments of personal pain and sorrow are rarely occasions to show concern for others.

As you read this passage in Luke 22, take time to consider the Lord's emotions and personal trauma. He has been betrayed, turned over to be beaten and crucified, soon to be completely abandoned by His closest friends. And yet, He stops everything to reach out and heal a servant's injured ear. Nothing in His life would deter Him from caring for others.

Have you ever refrained from pouring your heart out to the Lord my friend? Did you think that He might be too busy or that your problem was much too insignificant for His involvement? Learn from this event in the passion of our Lord that there is never a day or hour that He doesn't tremendously care for you and every problem in your life.

Tomorrow's Readings: OT - Exodus 5  / NT - Luke 22:54-71

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