Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Entry Level...

Today's Readings: OT - Genesis 48 / NT - Luke 19:11-27

"And he said to him, ‘Well done, good servant! Because you have been faithful in a very little, you shall have authority over ten cities.’" - Luke 19:17

We hear the phrase "entry level" time and again in the workplace. These are positions that usually test the metal of a new employee. If they prove to be dependable and productive in a lesser position greater opportunities will be offered them down the line. The simple truth is; you have to start somewhere, and it certainly is not at the top.

Just as lifetime careers begin with "entry level" jobs, so does the Kingdom work of King Jesus. He entrusts us with "very little" and steps back to observe. The Lord looks for those who have servant hearts and serve faithfully. To such dependable Kingdom workers will be greater responsibility. In the face of eternity, this life is an "entry level" job.

How is it going in your "little" task for the Lord my friend? Is He finding you to be a faithful servant, staying the course whatever the cost? Remember; as a child of God you are just preparing for eternity and the job you are fulfilling today will determine the responsibility for tomorrow. Don't be discouraged in your "entry level" roll. Be true to your calling and greater opportunities will come your way.

Tomorrow's Readings: OT - Genesis 49:1-27 / NT - Luke 19:28-20:8

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