Friday, April 19, 2024


Today's Readings: OT - Genesis 41:37-57 / NT - Luke 12:49-13:9

"Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather  division." - Luke 12:51
It's been almost three weeks since Resurrection Sunday. This was a day of great celebration and rejoicing throughout the Christian community. A vast multitude gathered to lift up their voices in praise and worship of the risen Savior. Yet, while churches across the land were filled with believers, there were also a larger number who were unmoved. 

Every year on Resurrection Sunday, some have an empty tomb and a full life, and others have a full tomb and empty life. The empty tomb is THE watershed of history. Those who have received the risen Christ are transformed by his light and those who reject him are still trembling in the darkness. The empty tomb has given undaunted faith to the believer and unending fear to the unbeliever. There can be no greater division.

When you see the golden morning sun, lit up with great splendor, are you ready for a beautiful day? Then, as you see the Son of God, risen from the dead in all his glory, embrace Him as the Lord of life and rejoice. Many will take the low road of rejection to their sorrowful loss, but you my friend, choose the high road of faith and celebrate the One who brought division through an empty tomb!

Tomorrow's Readings: OT - Genesis 42:1-16 / NT - Luke 13:10-35

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