Thursday, May 5, 2016

Never Forget

"This is your lot, the portion I have measured out to you, declares the Lordbecause you have forgotten me and trusted in lies." -- Jeremiah 13:25
How do we end up far off from the Lord, experiencing his chastening hand? What is it that leads to a hard road of discipline from a loving heavenly Father? Could it be that time has passed by; day after day, week after week and month after month without seeking His face in devotion, prayer and worship?
The Lord measured out a portion of corrective discipline to a people who had "forgotten" Him and trusted lies. When many new ideas and opportunities eat up our hours and days, time passes ever so quickly. As we look back over the months we suddenly realize that we have failed to give careful devotion and worship to the Lord. We claim that we've been too busy, but the truth is that we've just forgotten the One who holds us in the palm of His hand.
The sin-sick believer is just someone who allowed one day after another to pass by without spending quality time with Jesus. And after a while they just forgot Him. Don't let that be you my friend. MAKE time every day and never forget the Lover of your soul and the Friend that sticks closer than a brother!

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