Thursday, August 8, 2024

Against or... FOR?

Today's Readings: OT - Leviticus 27:1-14 / NT - Romans 1:1-15
"Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God" - Romans 1:1 

Every year we are entertained with political adds. We hear the many promises of candidates as they speak of what they won't do. The past records of opponents are brought to light and we are assured that they oppose such practices. We aren't quite sure what these politicians are "for", but we certainly know what they are "against".

On another front we may hear, "I don't dance, drink, smoke, chew, or go out with girls that do!"... and so the thinking goes by many "separated" Christians. For such believers what they are "for" is rarely stated, but we certainly know what they are "against". 

While Paul often spoke against sinful practices, he was always very clear that he was for the gospel of God. Do people know what you are for my friend? Do you spend your time living for Christ and sharing the good news of God's grace? It's far more important for people to know what we are set apart "for" than "against"!

Think about this: "A man's heart has only enough life in it to pursue one object fully." ~ C. H. Spurgeon

Tomorrow's Readings: OT - Leviticus 27:15-24 / NT - Romans 1:16-32

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