Sunday, August 25, 2024


Today's Readings: OT - Numbers 8:1-22 / NT - Romans 14:13-15:13
"Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God" -- Romans 15:7

Being accepted onto a college campus as a freshman can be quite a challenge. It all begins with someone who is willing to welcome you. An upper class-man that remembers receiving a kind welcome themselves always helps. Acceptance leads to acceptance.

Paul knew what it was like to be suspect as a new believer. To be accepted by Jesus was a great blessing after he had persecuted so many believers. This gracious reception by the Lord marked Paul's ministry forever. Acceptance led to acceptance.

In the Christian family we all stand on level ground. Jesus forgave each of us and lovingly receives us into his fold. If our Lord is so accepting of us, how can we not be accepting of one another? Acceptance should lead to acceptance.

Think about this: "God has a secret method by which he recompenses his saints: he sees to it that they become the prime beneficiaries of their own benefactions!" 
~ I. D. E. Thomas

Tomorrow's Readings: OT - Numbers 8:23-9:14 / NT - Romans 15:14-33

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