Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Just as You are...

Today's Readings: OT - Leviticus 14:1-13 / NT - Acts 15:1-21

"No! We believe it is through the grace of our Lord Jesus that we are saved, just as they are.” - Acts 15:11 

Shortly after we married, Jayne and I adopted a little dog. Her name was Jenny and she was the sweetest pup anyone could ever have. We went to a rescue shelter one afternoon and looked around until we came to a litter of pups that had just arrived. One small pup... the "runt" of the litter spotted us and kept coming to us wherever we moved. We couldn't imagine what she would look like when she grew up, but she won our hearts and that day we took her home... just as she was.

Paul pleaded with the church leadership to stay on point concerning the work of salvation. No one is saved and adopted into the family of God because of what they bring to the table. The Lord takes us into his family through his grace alone. The day we come to Jesus, he saves us from a homeless and hopeless future, out of a heart of grace and love... just as we are.

Becoming a child of God is far more significant than being an adopted dog. But in a way, the simplicity of the process is similar. Have you come to Jesus, saddened by, and repentant of your sin? Have you come with nothing to offer but a heart cry for mercy? He will save you and love you with an everlasting love. You don't have to be the "Best in Show" to win the heart of God. He will take you into his family by his grace alone... just as you are!  

Think about this: "Perfection demands perfection; that is why salvation must be by grace, and why works are not sufficient." ~ Donald Grey Barnhouse

Tomorrow's Readings: OT - Leviticus 14:14-32 / NT - Acts 15:22-41

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