Sunday, July 28, 2024

A Glad Reception...

Today's Readings: OT - Leviticus 20:10-27 / NT - Acts 21:17-36
"When we had come to Jerusalem, the brothers received us gladly." - Acts 21:17

I like dogs. I have owned many dogs. I never owned a cat. All this to emphasise the major difference between the two and why I choose one over the other. When you're away from the house more than ten minutes and return, your dog, unlike any cat, jumps around with such excitement it's insane. There's just something special about coming back home and having a glad reception.

Christian fellowship runs far deeper and is of great significance than the companionship of a dog. But, having stated the obvious may I say that when Luke recorded the events before us today he was blessed and grateful for warm Christian fellowship. He considered it just something special to come back home and have a glad reception.

When other believers saunter into your church or Bible study, how are they received? How do the brethren respond to you when you arrive, after being away for vacation? Along with everything that makes up Christian fellowship, the first quality is the special blessing of receiving a glad reception.

Think about this:  "Keep company with the more cheerful sort of the godly; there is no mirth like the mirth of believers." ~ Richard Baxter

Tomorrow's Readings: OT - Leviticus 21 / NT - Acts 21:37-22:21

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