Monday, January 20, 2020

"For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace." - John 1:16
I grew up on eastern Long Island. The ocean was my constant haunt and the beach is to this day my favorite place to relax and reflect. Two days ago I turned 69 and the Atlantic waves have pounded through most of those years. Yes, sometimes in quiet moments I can hear the crashing surf hammering the shore, one wave followed by the next... wave upon wave.
The works and wonders of God's creation speak to us daily of His amazing grace. This grace is the spectacular gift of God that comes to us in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is by His grace we are saved (Ephesians 2:8) and by His grace that we are strengthened (2 Corinthians 12:9). On the day I came to Christ His grace came crashing into my life and every day thereafter His grace has hammered the shores of my very soul... grace upon grace.
Are you distressed by the pressures of life my friend? Do you feel overwhelmed by unending demands from every corner? Well, come to the shores of Calvary and be swept away by the grace of God in Christ Jesus. Allow this amazing grace to cast your every sin into its depths (Micah 7:19) and restore your life like a newborn babe (1 Peter 2:2). And if that day has already occurred some time ago, then be refreshed and strengthened by that same grace that saved your soul... let it wash over you, grace upon grace.

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