Saturday, February 10, 2018


"While they were stoning him, Stephen prayed, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” Then he fell on his knees and cried out, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” When he had said this, he fell asleep." - Acts 7:59-60
I remember choosing my senior ring in high school. I could have a plain stone or one with a Cross that appeared to be within the stone. As the school colors called for a red stone, the added cross made quite an impression. The little Cross was to be evidence of one's faith in Christ. The real evidence of faith though, would be found in a life forgiven and changed by the Cross. If your faith is alive... your forgiveness will thrive!
Stephen had every reason to be angry at the unbelief and rejection of the Sanhedrin. He might have cried out for God's condemnation and wrath to fall upon them. But Stephen's life  had been changed by the forgiveness of the Cross.  Spirit enabled forgiveness welled up from within his heart as evidence of his faith. His faith was alive, so his forgiveness thrived!
What is the evidence of your faith in Christ? How do people know that your life has been changed by the forgiveness of the Cross? A little Cross in a ring will never serve as true evidence of faith. The real and lasting evidence of a Cross changed life is... a living faith shown by a thriving forgiveness.

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