Sunday, March 5, 2017


"And taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven and said a blessing over them. Then he broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples to set before the crowd." - Luke 9:16
At the conclusion of a long season of providing food for flood devastated families in our community we had a thanksgiving supper. This supper was prepared particularly for those people who had faithfully donated time, food and facilities to make this effort possible. Thousands of upon thousands of food items had been disbursed and it was time to show our gratitude for the provision.
As the five loaves and two fish were to be distributed, Jesus said a blessing over them. It was a very simple meal indeed, but one that would satisfy a very needy and hungry crowd. While Jesus knew what He was about to do, a prayer of thanksgiving and blessing was offered. It was a public prayer that acknowledged the Giver of all provision for life and health. Such a prayer came from a trusting and grateful heart.
Is it too much to stop for a moment before every meal and say a blessing over the food my friend? Has the Lord not been faithful to provide every ounce of food to nourish your body? Is He not worthy of honor for His kindness and is He not the source of all that we have? Never hesitate; to say "grace" before a meal is a simple expression of a trusting and grateful heart. 

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