Thursday, August 18, 2011

"And I took the little scroll from the hand of the angel and ate it. It was sweet as honey in my mouth, but when I had eaten it my stomach was made bitter." -- Revelation 10:10
Over the years my boys would trick me into tasting a new candy, only to find that the great sweet flavor gave way to a really sour taste. The taste combination proved to be a real contradiction, but the candies were quite popular. Contradictions aren't always a bad thing.
The Word of God can often seem like a contradiction, as the little scroll turning out to be sweet and bitter. How is that possible you might say? We will find comfort when we read that the Lord walks with us through the storm, yet embarrassed when the same presence is with us in our moments of disobedience. The same Word that brings consolation of soul can bring conviction of sin. In this case, contradiction is a very good thing.
Biblical Truth brings security to your life my friend, but just wait a while and you will find the same Truth is a search-light of the heart. Still, never hesitate to consume the Word with pleasure; for a sweet taste and bitter bite will produce a changed life.

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