Wednesday, April 14, 2010

"Jesus replied, “Are you not in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God?" - Mark 12:24

My friend Steve is a great believer in the Microsoft program for computers. He rarely sees any need for other programs to accomplish computer tasks for our church. He has studied the product and has experienced the power it has for various jobs. As a result he can make any computer practically sing and dance. He knows the provisions and power.
Jesus spoke to those who should have known the Scriptures well, but they were too caught up in their traditions and arguments over minutiae. They had slipped into error and furthermore, they were oblivious to the power of God. As they drifted from truth, they also misunderstood the purpose and provision of God for the future. Hope was dashed due to lack of study and faith. They had little to offer those in need since they didn't know the Scriptures or the power of God.
Are you aware of all that you possess in the Word of God? Do you realize that the power of God can change your life and provide every need for now and all eternity? Do you study the Word to learn all that it has to offer? Do you trust the Lord for his capacity to do the impossible? You too can sing and dance when you know the Scriptures and the power of God.

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