Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Lingering Fragrance...

 Today's Readings: OT - Num. 24:1-14 / NT - 2 Cor. 2

"But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him." - 2 Corinthians 2:14

Just after finishing college I worked as a store detective for a large department store. I would walk the store aisles through the day watching for shoplifters. Numerous times a day I would step into an aisle and I would immediately know that the office manager had recently passed by. She was far out of sight, but her fragrance lingered.

Paul tells us that every believer has the privilege of being led in triumphal procession in Christ. The battle has been won and as a result we are saved. We are now sent into the world to spread the fragrance of the knowledge of Christ everywhere we travel. As spiritual conquerors in the Lord, wherever we go, the sweet smell of victory should linger.

How do people feel after you've left the room? When you're far out of sight are they glad that you were there? Do you leave a pleasant scent of the "Lily of the Valley" (Song of Solomon 2:1) behind? Wherever you go, does the sweet smell of victory linger?

Think about this: "The people who influence us are those who have stood unconsciously for the right thing; they are like the stars and the lilies; and the joy of God flows through them." ~ Oswald Chambers

Tomorrow's Readings: OT - Num. 24:15-25:9 / NT - 2 Cor. 3

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