Thursday, June 27, 2024

Who grows the flower?

Today's Readings: OT - Exodus 39:19-43 / NT - Acts 3:11-26

"By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus’ name and the faith that comes through him that has given this complete healing to him, as you can all see." - Acts 3:16

Over the years my wife would plant flowers in the spring. She made plans and arranged everything in her garden to look a certain way. She planted, fertilized and faithfully watered the little guys. After a while our house looked like "Better Homes and Gardens". While Jayne did a lot of work and learned better gardening skills every year, the truth remained... God grows the flower.

When Peter spoke to the man crippled from birth, he jumped to his feet and walked. People came from all around to see the miracle. Did Peter call attention to himself or the Lord as the healer? Peter was given the privilege to plant seeds of faith in the Lord's garden, but... God grows the flower.

As you venture into the Lord's garden today, keep in mind that you are serving with the Master. You will be given opportunities to plant seeds of truth and faith, and people will be greatly blessed. Some lives may be dramatically changed and blossom in beautiful ways, but after you've diligently labored, remember... God grows the flower.

Tomorrow's Readings: OT - Exodus 40:1-33  / NT - Acts 4:1-31

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