Sunday, October 29, 2023

"Always" not "Sometimes"...

Today's Readings: OT - Daniel 6 / NT + Proverbs 25

"Like a bad tooth or a lame foot is reliance on the unfaithful in times of trouble." -- Proverbs 25:19
I learned to depend on faithful legs and feet when I was very young. They came in handy the day I came across a snake while playing near my school. And on the evening I was chased by a German shepherd while delivering newspapers. Yet, over the years they have failed me, when I suffered a broken ankle or an occasional knee surgery. I have learned that faithfulness means "always", not "sometimes".

In the early days of Solomon's reign he learned that he could never rely on the unfaithful. As he wrote, he likened such people to a bad tooth or a lame foot in times of trouble. They made life difficult at best and hindered progress in numerous ways. There are only two ways to serve a cause; faithfully or unfaithfully, there is no middle ground. Faithfulness means "always", not "sometimes".

Are we not incredibly grateful for a Savior who is consistently faithful? When we seek the Lord's help in times of need, is he not dependable without fail? Then why do we find it so hard to be faithful to Him? Before you speak with strength of conviction my friend, consider the faithfulness of God in contrast to yours. How do you fair in times of trouble? Do you always finish the job and keep your word even when it hurts? (Psalm 15:4) Remember; faithfulness means "always", not "sometimes".
Tomorrow's Readings: OT - Daniel 7 / NT + 2 John

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