Wednesday, March 3, 2021


"And they were astonished beyond measure, saying, “He has done all things well. He even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak." - Mark 7:37
In the 21st century, people are still intrigued enough by illusionists to pay good money to see their shows. The awe factor seems to be alive and well as audiences watch the varied escapades of a Chris Angel, David Blaine or David Copperfield. It is a sad fact that while so many are amazed by an illusion, they are ho-hum when it comes to the truly miraculous.

When the Lord traveled throughout town and country, he performed many miracles. People were overwhelmed by the power of God present in His ministry. They sought the Lord Jesus from miles around; some for healing and others to simply sit under His teaching and observe His mighty works. For these followers, there was a genuine astonishment beyond measure as they experienced the truly miraculous.

How about it my friend? After you believe that you've seen it all, have you lost the ability to be astonished beyond measure? Is there little or no room for the awe factor when it comes to the mighty power of God? Have you lost the very sense of expectation? And as a result, do you rarely ask the "impossible" from our Lord? Remember, there was a day that "the wall fell down" (Joshua 6:20), "the sun stood still" (Joshua 10:13) and "the iron did swim" (2 Kings 6:6 KJV). The Lord does all things well, so expect the truly miraculous and be astonished beyond measure!

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