Monday, March 30, 2020

"When he has brought out all his own, he goes before them, and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice." -- John 10:4
Do you remember some trip or special occasion when you were somewhere unfamiliar? The most secure moments were when you heard familiar voices. You found great assurance when you were surrounded by your traveling companions. Being all alone can be frightening.
Life is a journey into the unknown. We need someone who will go ahead and lead the way. We need someone who calls us His own and calls us by name. We need a voice that will set us at ease and calm our fears. That someone is Jesus.
When moments press in and bring unfounded fear, where do you turn? To whom do you look when you feel lost and unsettled? Turn your eyes upon Jesus my friend, and listen to His voice as He speaks softly from His Word. As He leads the way, He calls you by name and reminds you that you're His. Follow Him and fear not.

John W. Peterson, 1954

Some day life's journey will be o're.
And I shall reach that distant shore;
I'll sing while ent'ring heaven's door,
"Jesus led me all the way."

Jesus led me all the way,
Led me step by step each day;
I will tell the saints and angels as I lay my burdens down,
"Jesus led me all the way."

If God should let me there review
The winding paths of earth I knew,
It would be proven clear and true -
"Jesus led me all the way."

Jesus led me all the way,
Led me step by step each day;
I will tell the saints and angels as I lay my burdens down,
"Jesus led me all the way."

And hither to my Lord hath led,
Today He guides each step I tread;
And soon in heav'n it will be said,
"Jesus led me all the way."

Jesus led me all the way,
Led me step by step each day;
I will tell the saints and angels as I lay my burdens down,

"Jesus led me all the way."

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