Sunday, October 15, 2017

Random Acts?

"The next day we put in at Sidon. And Julius treated Paul kindly and gave him leave to go to his friends and be cared for." - Acts 27:3
"Random acts of kindness". We often think of this phrase when we see unsolicited and undeserved care shown to someone in need. But, are such acts always "random"? Or, is it possible that such goodness may be a kind gift of our loving heavenly Father?
Paul received such an act of kindness in the midst of a most troubling time in his life. When we look at this moment in light of Romans 8:28 it takes on a very significant quality. The "Random act of kindness" becomes one of the God initiated "all things" that work together for our good.
The next time you receive an act of kindness, however small, stop and consider the real source. While appreciation should be certainly be expressed to those who bless us, let us always remember our heavenly Father, from whom comes "every good and perfect gift"(James 1:17) 

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