Monday, January 16, 2017

Success or Service?

"And he said to them, 'Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.' Immediately they left their nets and followed him... Immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him." - Matthew 4:19,20,22
Tim Tebow, a professed believer, has become a well known sports figure. He has merged his faith with his career and drawn a lot of attention to himself and his teams. Most significantly is the fact that Tim has his priorities right. During his years playing football he made it a habit to invite some struggling, hurting or devastated person to each game; pay for their flight, room and meals. He would have them seated in prime seats, visit with them before and after the game and encourage them in their life issues. Tim knows the difference between winning a game and winning a life.
Jesus came along the shore and invited the disciples to follow Him and become fishers of men. He called them away from lucrative businesses and offered them nothing of material gain. He offered them the opportunity to win people to God and a new start in life. These men dropped everything and "Immediately" followed Him. You see, they had their priorities right; they knew the difference between catching a "sole" and catching a "soul"!
As you move into this New Year my friend, do you have your priorities right? Or are you still running the "rat race" looking for the next promotion, pay raise or popularity win? Jesus and such people as Tim Tebow are all about greater values in life. What are your values? Do you know the difference between a life of selfish success and a life of selfless service? Which will you choose?

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