Monday, October 19, 2015

He is with you

"The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?" -- Psalm 118:6
No matter how old I get, I will always remember that afternoon in Macy's Department store. I was around six years old and my Dad and I were shopping for a Christmas gift for my Mom. I wandered away and was suddenly, frightfully lost. Then, just as quickly, a big strong hand reached down and took hold of mine and I was safe again. I was no longer afraid, because my Dad was with me.
Our journey through life will often leave us in the midst of unfamiliar and frightening surroundings. There may be enemies like David faced, or it may just be an unknown set of circumstances. But no matter where we turn, the fear is overwhelming. Then, at just the right moment, a big strong hand reaches down and takes ours and we're safe again. We are no longer afraid, because our Lord is with us.
What are you frightened of today my friend? Have you turned the corner, only to find yourself feeling frightfully lost? Are the circumstances too overwhelming to handle? Take a word of encouragement from David and don't be afraid. The Lord is with you... what can man do to you?

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