Tuesday, August 31, 2010

"When I said, "My foot is slipping," your love, O LORD, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul." -- Psalm 94:18-19
In two weeks I will be having knee surgery. Until then I find myself leaning a lot. I lean when I get up from my desk, when I go up and down stairs and other times through the day. Leaning is fine when I have the right support. A strong support is a good thing.
The psalmist knew that in the midst of opposition and oppression he needed support. He learned to lean on the love of the Lord. With such a support he also found joy for his soul. His foot would refrain from slipping, and his anxiety would slip away. A strong support is a good thing.
Are you so independent that you don't need to lean? Or have you found the support of others undependable? Well, let the Lord's love and consolation be your support today and find joy for your soul as you lean on his strong support.

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