Thursday, April 24, 2014

Only one heart

“No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.”  - Luke 16:13
In some ways there are two types of professionals. There are those who have a career to provide and care for their family and those who have a family that make it easier to excel in their careers. One serves a loving family and the other serves a lucrative job. But whichever one you choose, you only have one heart to give.
In spiritual matters, Jesus made it clear: you have to choose. You can't serve more than one master at a time. In addition, when you serve one, your attitude toward the other is embittered. If you choose to serve money and temporal gain, you will despise God and eternal values. This sheds great light on our drift from the Lord when we prioritize our wealth because...  you only have one heart to give.
Who will you serve today? Who will receive your undying devotion? Will you choose the Lord and serve him with all your heart, soul and mind? Or will you serve yourself for the love of money? Remember...  you only have one heart to give.

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