Thursday, May 31, 2018

Wisely chosen words...

"Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing." - Proverbs 12:18
How many times in the last month has some personality been in the spotlight for what they said? How often has a political candidate lost an election as a result of some outlandish statement? Words have changed the world for so many people, yet they take such little thought before they speak. Words are like nitro-glycerin; they can be explosive or they can be healing.
This proverb speaks of the significance of words in two ways. Solomon points out the value of words as well as the damage they can cause. His counsel calls for careful consideration before one speaks. You can be "reckless" and just speak without thought or you can exercise "wisdom" and achieve a great healing in the lives of others. The choice of words in every conversation is more important than we realize.
Do you realize how significant your words are to others? Do you know that others really listen to you when you speak? Your words leave a lasting impression in their hearts. Every day the choice is yours; will you bring hurt or healing to the hearts of others? Choose wisely my friend, and be a blessing.

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