Saturday, December 3, 2016

Expositor or Example?

"Now Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when he finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples." - Luke 11:1
Someone has wisely said, "More is caught than taught". Over the years I have had some great teachers and professors. While their knowledge has been overwhelming, there were a select few that surpassed all the others. The difference is found in two words... expositor and example. One explains the truth and the other exemplifies the truth. Which one is most successful?
The Pharisees were expositors and explained the truth quite well. Jesus was far more than an expositor; He was a vivid example of  life changing truth. The disciples knew that John taught his disciples to pray, but not until they observed Jesus praying did they request such knowledge. They wanted more than just a lesson about prayer, they wanted lives of prayer.
What kind of spiritual life do you lead my friend? Are you someone who explains truth or one who exemplifies truth? When others are with you, do they yearn to learn about Jesus or live like Jesus? Just about anyone can be an expositor, but only a few can be examples. Which will you choose to be today?

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