Saturday, February 27, 2016

Good News!

“How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.”” – Isaiah 52:7
News is still all important in a day of technological progress. The means of communication may be advanced, but bringing news to people is still of utmost significance. In most cases the focus remains the same; "Read all about it"... bad news on the front page. But every now and then good news takes center stage and brings joy to the heart.
As today, so were the days of Isaiah. Most news was bad or sad news, with the onslaught of enemies and God's judgment approaching. Serving as a prophet was often a very discouraging job to fill, but every now and then good news took the center stage and brought joy to the heart. What was that news? The Messiah was coming!!
Are you inundated with bad and sad news? Do you find nothing but dark clouds reported in the news and discussed over coffee? Well, there is good news to take your center stage and bring you joy. His name is Jesus and he has come to give peace and happiness to whoever will turn to him. Now that's good news for any and every day, and beautiful are the feet of anyone who will spread the story. Will that someone be you?

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