Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Be a winner

"And he did not do many mighty works there, because of their unbelief." -- Matthew 13:58
"Some years ago a Long Island resident purchased an extremely sensitive barometer from a respected company, Abercrombie and Fitch. When the instrument arrived at his home he was disappointed to discover that the indicating needle appeared to be stuck pointing to the sector marked “Hurricane.” After shaking the barometer vigorously several times and never getting the point to move, the new owner wrote a scathing letter to the store, and, on the following morning, on the way to his office in New York City, mailed it. That evening he returned to Long Island to find not only the barometer missing but his house as well! The needle of the instrument had been pointing correctly. The month was September; the year was 1938, the day of the terrible hurricane that almost leveled Long Island."* Unbelief can be such a loser.
The very Creator and Sustainer of the universe arrived in town prepared to do the amazing. Sadly, he did nothing due to the complete lack of faith. There were opportunities throughout the Scriptures for God to do great and mighty works, but he didn't. Again and again divine power or the miraculous was set aside due to unbelief. All the pieces were present with clear evidence that God was ready to do something special and then... nothing. Unbelief can be such a loser.
Has the Lord called you to a new challenge, preparing to meet every need, only to be pushed aside because of your unbelief? In the face of a New Year are you ready to take the Lord as his word and allow him to do great and mighty things in your life my friend? Be wise and step out in faith and believe in the Lord's ability and promises. Belief can be a real winner!!

* — Adapted from Bits and Pieces, quoted in Lloyd Cory, Quote Unquote

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