Friday, January 24, 2014


"Then Jesus called his disciples to him and said, “I have compassion on the crowd because they have been with me now three days and have nothing to eat. And I am unwilling to send them away hungry, lest they faint on the way."" -- Matthew 15:32
How short our attention span is these days. If a movie is too long it gets bad reviews from the critics. If a classic book is too long it will come out in an abridged edition. If the Baccalaureate speaker is too long-winded he gets booed off the platform. We have become a people who just can't stay focused for very long. Attention takes effort.
Think about the scene before us in this passage. Great crowds came to the Lord for healing and they spent three days with him. His works and words were taken in like water by the parched tongue. One must believe that these people had homes, families and responsibilities, but they found someone who was worth spending unlimited time. They lingered and listened, weary and hungry. Their attention took effort, but was rewarded.
How much time do you spend with the Lord my friend? Do you run in and out of his presence each day with so much on your mind that you can't really concentrate? Are you in a hurry to "wrap it up" on Sunday mornings during the worship service? When was the last time you spent three days with the Lord? Maybe you could start by spending a good quality hour with him. If you make the effort to give him your attention the reward will be great.

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