Sunday, October 28, 2012

"Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men, because you know that the Lord will reward everyone for whatever good he does, whether he is slave or free." - Ephesians 6:7-8 (NIV) 
Before I entered the ministry I worked in a number of jobs. On occasion I worked in management and  was responsible for a number of employees. Until that time I would never have believed how many people sleep on the job. If these experiences remain true, the work ethic of this country is deplorable. In such an atmosphere every believer who serves wholeheartedly is a breath of fresh air.
Paul addressed a number of deep spiritual issues in this letter. Yet, he comes to one of the most practical and wide spread need for everyday life. While there only a few ministers, missionaries and Christian workers, the rest of believers make up a huge work force. The witness and testimony of each on is only as strong as their work ethic. If they sleep on the job, no one will listen, but if they serve wholeheartedly, they will be well received as a breath of fresh air.
Where do you work my friend? How well do you do your job? Do you go the extra mile in the Name of Jesus? Are you able to lay your day's work before the Lord as a sacrifice of praise for His glory. It doesn't matter what little benefits may come your way in this life, for the Lord will reward everyone for whatever they do. A job well done and the Lord's promised reward will always be a breath of fresh air.

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