Tuesday, May 15, 2012

"Five of them were foolish, and five were wise... Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, ‘Lord, lord, open to us.’But he answered, ‘Truly, I say to you, I do not know you.’" - Matthew 25:2, 11-12
To identity anyone as less than stellar in every quality today is anathema. We must never suggest that someone might have poor character qualities or heaven forbid, be considered "foolish". It's the age of human perfection at any cost. This pattern seems to suggest: The more we praise one another, the more perfected we become.
The above story tells a much different tale, and the Lord doesn't hesitate to call someone foolish. Why would anyone be considered foolish you might ask? Could it be that as the day of eternal accountability arrives some people will not be ready? Here it is; there is no wisdom in knowing a hurricane, or forest fire, or tsunami is approaching and fail to get ready... it's just plain foolish.
Are you under the persuasion that you will have plenty of time to repent, or get ready spiritually before the Lord returns or you die? Have you chosen to live for Christ after you retire and have more time on your hands? Well, the midnight cry will give no warning and it could come tonight. If you're not ready my friend, you are foolish and far worse... you'll be left behind.

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