Thursday, September 30, 2010

"Then they believed his promises and sang his praise. But they soon forgot what he had done and did not wait for his counsel." -- Psalm 106:12-13
A very good friend of mine is growing old and with age comes forgetfulness. His wife was so concerned that she thought he was in the early stages of Alzheimer Disease. But after a visit to the Doctor and a series of tests it was concluded that he was just suffering from age. Our memory is a great blessing and it's quite sad when it fails us.
While some memory loss is unavoidable, other forgetfulness is unacceptable. The Israelites were witness to a wide array of God's miraculous works and as a result sang his praise, but, how soon they forgot. We can be very much the same in our walk with God. We have so much for which to be grateful, but we tend to forget his provisions and fulfilled promises rather quickly. The Lord has given us a great deal to remember, but how sad when we forget.
The above thoughts are possibly the reason why the Lord gave us the table of remembrance to observe in our churches. To exercise our memories will often take a concerted effort, but the blessings are well worth the investment. The more we remember of the Lord's promises fulfilled, the more we will trust him. And the more that we trust him, the more we will have to remember. Just don't forget!

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