Saturday, February 20, 2010

"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." - Psalm 19:14
What makes a beautiful song? Every song is made up of both words and music. Some songs have very thought provoking words, but a lifeless tune. Other songs have a haunting melody, but the words are empty in meaning. The song that has timeless quality is one that has just the right combination of words and music... the perfect duet.
David was a man of insightful words, as well as a gifted musician. He understood the importance of both qualities being in tune with each other. He also realized that his words and the meditations of his heart needed to complement each other to be pleasing the sight of the Lord. Just like a good song, the life that has the right combination of words and heart is... the perfect duet.
How is your life-song today?  Do your carefully chosen words come from a well guarded heart? Do the meditations of your heart fully compliment the words that you speak? When the Lord looks upon your life is he pleased with the words of your mouth and music of your heart? Does he see... the perfect duet?


   "We cannot measure spiritual force by rules of philosophy or definitions of theology any more than by a carpenter's rule or chemist's scales.  It is "with the heart man believeth unto righteousness."  And yet, the character of a man's thoughts has much to do with success or failure in the spiritual life.  He is influenced by what he thinks." 

   -- T. Henry Howard in Fuel for Sacred Flame

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