Thursday, January 14, 2010

“Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?” The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.” - Luke 10:36-37
On Tuesday, January 12 a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck Haiti at 4:53 p.m. The epicenter was 15 miles wsw of Port-au-Prince. The rescue efforts are at a heated pace at this time. The estimates of loss may be over and above 100,000 lives. Our church alone has at least six active families who have loved ones in Port-au-Prince and the surrounding area. Haiti is 1,520 miles from our front door, but today... they are just across the street.
“And who is my neighbor?” the expert in the law asked. The answer was more than convicting as Jesus unfolded the story of the Good Samaritan. A neighbor is one who has mercy on his fellowman, even when he has no relationship or friendship with him. Whenever Jesus looked across a crowd of troubled souls, he was moved with compassion. When Jesus looked over a lost and hopeless Jerusalem, he wept. When you see the faces of the wounded, grieving and homeless people of Haiti today will you weep? No matter how far they are from your front door, today... they are just across the street.
Will you find time to pray for these broken lives? Will you find a way to reach out to these for whom God sent his Son? Our church has many avenues to help our neighbors. One of those sources is "World Relief". Their vision is for the evangelical Church to provide comfort to the world's poor and suffering. They partner with evangelical churches in North America and with indigenous partners in countries throughout the world. They bring relief to those in need in the name of Jesus. You can be a neighbor today by visiting the World Relief site and show mercy to the people of Haiti. Remember, today... they are just across the street.
World Relief web site on Haiti:

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